Microtomographic Parameters and Nanoindentation of the Hoof of Girolando Cattle

28 de dezembro de 2018



The aim of this study was to describe the microstructure of the pigmented and depigmented hoof capsule of Girolando cattle by bi- and tridimensional microtomography and nanoindentation, analysing the possible relation between these findings and the susceptibility of such animals to podal diseases. To carry out the microtomography and the nanoindentation, duplicated samples were collected from the dorsal wall, abaxial wall and pre-bulbar sole of the hoof cap- sule. Material collection was performed in 40 medial digits of thoracic limbs and 40 lateral digits of pelvic limbs. The bidimensional microtomography showed that the dorsal wall of the thoracic and pelvic limbs presented higher density, followed by the abaxial wall, and finally by the sole, with the lowest density. Moreover, the hoof capsule of cows of Girolando breed is a compact, non-porous material, and constituted by extratubular and intratubular keratin. By the tridimensional microtomography, it was possible to measure the angles of the corneal tubules in relation to the periople and the claws in the different regions of the hoof capsule, which were 90° for the dorsal wall, 55° for the abaxial wall and 70° for the sole. The tridimensional microtomography also showed corneal tubules of different diameters: 17, 51, 85, 119 and 153 lm. The nanoindentation test, when performed in different regions of the hoof cap- sule, did not reveal significant difference of Vickers hardness in the evaluated areas. However, we verified a larger elastic module of these regions on the transversal cut of the corneal tubules compared to the longitudinal cut.

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