Microstructure and Hardness of Buffalo’s Hoofs

28 de dezembro de 2018



The aim of this study was to describe the microstructure of hoof capsules of the buffalo. In addition, the study emphasized the morphometric aspects of the horn tubules, the Vickers nanohardness of the dorsal and abaxial walls and sole of the digits of the thoracic and pelvic limbs of the buffalo. The abaxial wall in the thoracic and pelvic digits showed larger diameter of the horn tubules when compared to all dorsal wall and sole. In addition, the abaxial wall of the tho- racic digits showed larger diameter of the horn tubules when compared with the pelvic digits. According to the three-dimensional microtomography, the dorsal wall was higher in density compared with the abaxial wall. The latter exhibited an intermediate density, while the sole showed the lowest density. The Vickers nanohardness test showed that there was no difference in hardness and resistance between the experienced regions. However, the elastic modulus was greater on the transversal section of the hoof capsule. In conclusion, the results of the current study show that modern technologies such as microto- mography and subsequent imaging can be used to investigate details of the basic morphology in different regions of the buffalo’s hoof.

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